Astro Systems Holland
"If you want the very best"


ASH is a Dutch company that is specialized in the design and production
of high quality astronomical instruments for the demanding amateur.
Herman ten Haaf, founder of ASH is a technical engineer with more than
50 years of experience. Because of his outstanding craftsmanship many amateurs have found there way to Herman over the past years.
ASH is not a company where you can buy standard equipment.
On the contrary: ASH is specialized in custom made (astronomical) instruments and parts. ASH has expertise on optical and mechanical
design, as well as the knowledge and competence to give you advise
on your own projects.
Please take your time to look around at our website and do not hesitate
to contact us.
Astro Systems Holland
Wijnkoper 10
5345 PS Oss
The Nerherlands
Tel: +31 (0)412 63 33 24